Game #5017 by Megabyte
02:58, January 24, 2010 by Megabyte
[Event "Jogo Online"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2010.01.12"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Mythrill"]
[Black "Spacy"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Annotator "Rybka 3 (30s)"]
[PlyCount "85"]
[EventDate "2010.??.??"]
{B21: Sicilian: 2 f4 and Morra Gambit} 1. e4 c5 2. f4 e5 3. Nf3 exf4 4. Bc4 g5
5. d4 {last book move} (5. h4 g4 6. Ng5 {
(M) This looks very, very tricky. 0.44/11 2} Nh6 {
(M) And black's position is clumsy.} (6... Be7 7. Nxf7 {2.64/10 1}) 7. d3 f3 {
0.51/13 2} 8. gxf3 f6 {0.51/14 1} 9. fxg4 {0.51/13 1} fxg5 10. hxg5 {0.44/13 1}
Nf7 (10... d5 {0.44/14 3} 11. Bb5+ {0.44/13 2} Nc6 {0.44/13 1} 12. gxh6 {
0.37/13 4}) 11. Bxf7+ {0.83/11 1} Kxf7 12. Qf3+ {0.85/12 3} Ke8 13. g6 {
(M) This pawn causes a looooot of trouble. 1.58/10 2}) 5... cxd4 6. Qxd4 Qf6 $2
(6... f6 $11) 7. e5 $4 {
White threatens to win material: e5xf6. releasing the pressure on the opponent}
(7. Qxf6 $142 $5 Nxf6 8. Nxg5 $16 {(M) Grabbing a pawn. Too bad I missed this.}
) 7... Qg7 (7... Qe7 $5 {looks like a viable alternative} 8. Nc3 Nc6 $11 9. Qd5
{-0.21/10 1} Nf6 {-0.21/10 1} 10. Qxf7+ {0.06/13 6} Qxf7 {0.06/14 0} 11. Bxf7+
{0.06/14 1} Kxf7 {0.03/15 2} 12. exf6 {0.03/15 1}) 8. Nc3 $14 Nc6 {Black threat
ens to win material: Nc6xd4. Black should quickly conclude development.} 9. Qe4
Bc5 {Traps the king in the center} (9... Be7 10. Nd5 Rb8 11. O-O $16) 10. Bd2 {
White has an active position} Nge7 11. Na4 (11. h4 d5 12. exd6 Bf5 $16) 11...
Bb6 (11... Be3 12. Bxe3 fxe3 $14) 12. Bc3 (12. Nxb6 axb6 13. Bc3 $16 {
(M) It seems that simply taking the bishop is plain better. But I certainly
don't like this open file against the castling altogether is a
problem.}) 12... Qg6 $4 {with this move Black loses his initiative} (12... Be3
$142 $15 {and Black can hope to live}) 13. Qxg6 $18 Nxg6 14. Nxg5 (14. Nxb6
axb6 15. Nxg5 Ncxe5 $18 16. Bb3 {(M) Damaging black's pawn structure
altogether and improving my position. 1.43/14 2} d6 {1.43/16 16} 17. O-O-O $1
Ke7 {1.43/16 12} 18. Bb4 {1.43/15 1} Rd8 {1.43/15 2} 19. Ne4 {
(M) Putting the weak pawn under heavy fire. 1.46/13 2}) 14... Ncxe5 (14... Be3
$142 $5 {should be examined more closely} 15. Bxf7+ Ke7 16. Bxg6 Rg8 $14) 15.
Nxb6 $16 axb6 16. Bd3 (16. Bb3 d6 17. O-O-O Ke7 $16) 16... Nxd3+ (16... f6 $5 {
is worth consideration} 17. Ne4 Ke7 $14) 17. cxd3 $16 O-O 18. O-O (18. Ne4 $142
$5 f5 (18... d5 19. Nf6+ {1.24/11 1} Kg7 {1.32/13 1} 20. Nd7+ {1.32/13 1} f6 {
1.34/17 1} 21. Nxf8 {1.34/17 1} Nxf8 (21... Kxf8 22. Bxf6 {1.91/12 2})) 19.
Nf6+ Kf7 20. O-O $16) 18... d5 $11 19. Nf3 Be6 (19... Bf5 20. Ne5 $11) 20. Ne5
(20. Nd4 Rfe8 $11) 20... Rad8 (20... Bf5 21. g4 Bc8 22. h3 $11) 21. d4 Rc8 (
21... Bf5 22. Nxg6 hxg6 23. Rxf4 $11) 22. Bd2 {
Attacking the isolated pawn on f4. White threatens to win material: Bd2xf4} (
22. Nd3 Rfe8 $14) 22... Rc2 $11 23. Bc3 {(M) "Trapping" black's rook.} b5 (
23... Re2 24. Rae1 Re4 25. a3 $11) 24. Rac1 (24. Nd3 $5 $14) 24... Rxc1 $15 25.
Rxc1 Rc8 (25... Nxe5 26. dxe5 Rc8 27. Rf1 $11) 26. Nd3 $11 b6 {Secures a5+c5}
27. Rf1 Bf5 28. Nxf4 Nxf4 29. Rxf4 Be4 {A classical outpost} 30. Rf6 (30. Rg4+
{0.21/17 2} Kh8 {0.21/18 2} 31. a3 {0.21/17 3} h6 {0.22/18 6} 32. Kf1 {
0.22/17 0} Bd3+ {0.17/18 3} 33. Ke1 {0.17/17 1} Kh7 {0.17/17 1} 34. Kd2 {
0.17/17 1} Be4 {(M) Probably trying to reach the h-pawn somehow? 0.17/17 3})
30... b4 31. Bxb4 Rc2 {Black threatens to win material: Rc2xb2} (31... Rc1+ 32.
Rf1 Rc2 33. Rf2 $11) 32. Bc3 (32. Rxb6 $5 {is worthy of consideration} Rxg2+
33. Kf1 Rxh2 34. Bd6 Rh1+ 35. Kf2 $14 Ra1 36. Ra6 {0.58/14 1} Rb1 {0.59/14 1}
37. b4 {(M) Tricky. I just couldn't see this one coming. 0.59/14 1}) 32...
Rxg2+ $11 33. Kf1 Rxh2 34. Rxb6 h5 35. a4 h4 36. a5 (36. Rb3 $5 $11 {
is an interesting alternative} h3 37. Bb4 {
(M) Now white's pawn can make more pressure. -0.12/15 3}) 36... h3 $17 {
White has to watch this pawn} 37. Rh6 (37. Rh6 {-0.73/16 1}) 37... Rh1+ (37...
Kg7 $142 $5 38. Rh4 Rc2 $17) 38. Kf2 Bg2 {The bishop dominates} (38... Kg7 39.
Rh4 $11) 39. a6 {White pawn structure deteriorated} (39. Kg3 Kg7 40. Rb6 Rf1
$11 41. Kh2 f5 {
(M) Now there are threats like Ra1+, forcing black's pawn to queen. -0.40/12 1
} 42. Re6 {-1.70/15 4} f4 {-3.87/17 2} (42... Rh1+ 43. Kg3 {0.09/13 2} Be4 {
0.11/16 14} 44. Bd2 {0.11/17 1} h2 {0.11/16 1} 45. Bh6+ {0.11/16 1} Kf7 {
0.11/17 1} 46. Rb6 {0.11/17 2} Bd3 {0.10/16 1}) 43. Re1 {-3.87/16 0} Rf2 {
-3.87/16 2} 44. Kg1 {-3.76/10 1} Rc2 {-4.24/13 2}) 39... Ra1 40. b4 {
White pawn structure improved} Ra2+ 41. Kg1 (41. Ke1 $142 $5 $11 {
deserves consideration} Kg7 {-0.07/18 11} 42. Bd2 $1 {-0.07/18 3} Ra1+ {
-0.07/19 2} 43. Kf2 {-0.07/19 1} Bf1 {-0.07/18 1}) 41... Kg7 $17 42. Rd6 $4 {
causes even greater problems} (42. Rh4 $142 Rxa6 43. Bd2 $17) 42... Be4 43. a7
(43. Bd2 {doesn't change anything anymore} Rxd2 44. Kf1 h2 45. Ke1 Rg2 46. Rh6
Kxh6 47. a7 h1=Q#) 0-1
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